Guide to install on Windows

First remove any previous version and the related GNUstep packages, if any.

You need donwload the following packages:

Now install the packages in the order that these are listed. Active the theme WinUXTheme when install the Core package, see image below:

Active theme

You don't need change other options. After install all, you can launch the app from Start -> Applications -> FisicaLab -> FisicaLab.

If you miss activate the theme at installation, run the Shell at Start -> Applications -> GNUstep -> Shell and write:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSTheme WinUXTheme

and hit RETURN.

On Windows systems you can't write the character @, needed to use conversion factors, with the combination Alt-64. You need write this character with the key Alt or Shift in combination with another alfanumeric key.

Known problems